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(one of my 1. Keycontrollers – i give it away for 20€ last year)
Willkommen auf meiner Website! Welcome to my homepage.
Hier findest Du Informationen über mein Hobby Musik
Die DAW Bitwig (Digital Audio Workstation)
Die MPCone als eigenständigen Musik „Platform/Controller“) und kleine und mobile Synthesizer & das musizieren mit iOS (iPhone / iPad
Neu jetzt mit Scaler 2 als Harmonie / Kompositionstool
In Facebook kannst Du mich jederzeit in verschiedenen Gruppen kontaktieren.
Welcome to my website! Welcome to my homepage.
Here you can find information about my hobby music
The DAW Bitwig (Digital Audio Workstation)
The MPCone as a stand-alone music „platform/controller“) and small and mobile synthesizers & making music with iOS (iPhone / iPad
New now with Scaler 2 as a harmony / composition tool
In Facebook you can contact me at any time in various groups.
Copyright: Names / Names are the property of the respective manufacturers. This is a private „hobby page“ without advertising intentions. I only present products of my hobby here.
MPC one Preset (Keygroup) from sampled Novation Mono Station an nice 80s like Synth Bass (full and warm) 4 MB
I use Symantec Virus Scanner and so the Download File is secured with a prof. Scan engine.
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